
Showing posts with the label PS4 Features

PS4 Launch is Less Than a Week Away – Where to Play Now!

It’s hard to believe that Sony’s Playstation 4 is coming out in less than a week. It seems like only yesterday we saw Sony’s triumphant E3 reveal of its new box, showing off its next-gen visuals and announcing its relatively affordable price. Gamers in North America will finally get their hands on the PS4 soon, and demo units are in stores now! Play It Now! Sony has been quietly dropping PS4 kiosks in Best Buys, Gamestops, and other stores across the country, giving gamers a chance to try out the new console in person. To find out where you can play one in your area, visit Sony’s  Experience PS4 site .  The kiosks have a few demos, showing a selection of indies along with Fifa 14 and the Knack. Fifa looked great, but just seemed like the current gen game with some higher-res texures slapped on top. The Knack is more of a true next-gen title – built from the ground up for the PS4 – and it’s a fun, inventive platformer to boot. The kiosk I visited, in my local Best Buy, had posters for