Google Glass to Rollout to More Customers Says Google Executive


I know a lot of people dispute the fact that Google Glass will change their owner’s lives forever – but I am a firm believer that Glass will change the way their owners view the world. Google has handled this product in surprisingly an organized, systematic, testing and refinement before Glass is ever offered to the general public for sale.  A device of this magnitude has to come out of the stall running, and Google is making sure that there will be ample applications ready and that Glass will be a wearable device that is truly functional.
Glass Main Menu
Glass Main Menu
Google has increased their pool of additional “testers” by allowing existing users to invite people to be a fellow Glass user, as they are referred. Google has methodically been issuing these invites more frequently and at a Saturday night appearance at the Engadget Expand conference in New York, Timothy Jordon, Google’s Senior Development advocate said, “The goal is to make it (Glass) more available so those who want Glass can get Glass.”
Glass Maps 6
Google Maps on Glass
Glass was initially available to a handful of developers that attended Google I/O, but recently expanded that pool by allowing users to invite three additional people if they are willing to bear the cost of $1,500 for the device. Original Explorers can swap their older model for the new model that has an ear bud, which will help Google accomplish their goal of incorporating Glass into personal frames, for those of us that already wear prescription glasses.
Travel Alerts
Travel Alerts
Many consumers are still leery about wearable devices, such as Smartwatches and Spectacles but according to, a new Harris interactive poll found that nearly half of Americans are “at least a little interested.”  Something that seems so complicated can really make your life easier according to Jordon, “I find it intuitive.  It’s natural; it works with what we’re already doing, like writing texts and Googling everything in sight.”
Hangout With Screen Share
Hangout With Screen Share
Jordon said they are not trying to replace your smartphone (after all, Google wants to sell Android smartphones), but believes that Glass will compliment your other devices


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